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Chart of the Week: Are you ready for the rise of India, Indonesia and Thailand?

发布在 October 29, 2013

When we consider value proposition in global apps market, the top 10 countries have been pretty static.

Sure, the order between the US, Japan, Korea, the UK, China, Germany, France, Australia, Canada and Russia may vary, but these are the Big 10.

When it comes to downloads, however, the order is very different.

As demonstrated by the first edition of ad network InMobi’s App Insight Report, populous and fast-growing countries such as India and Indonesia feature in its top five list.

Note that is the top five list of countries in which InMobi’s advertising network has generated iOS and Android downloads – 50 million to-date in 2013.

And according to InMobi, such countries aren’t limited to low-level bulk activity either.

Switching to look at tablet usage during Q2 2013, it places Thailand in third place, and Indonesia in fifth place.

Of course, usage and downloads aren’t revenue, but where there’s activity, revenue is bound to follow eventually.

You can download InMobi’s first App Insight Report for Q3 2013 here (registration required).

Read the original article here!