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Publisher Compliance on Political Advertising

Publishers belonging to the states of Maryland, Washington, Nevada, New Jersey, Louisiana, New York and California are expected to ensure compliance with additional requirements for political ads concerning state elections. InMobi has created advisory guidelines for political ad publishers based in the listed states.

1. Publisher’s must comply with state specific disclosure requirements.

2. Publisher’s must comply with state specific disclaimer requirements.

3. Publisher’s may maintain political ad data.

4. Publisher’s may make public such political ad data.

5. Publisher’s may share political ad data with State Election Boards.

6. Publisher’s may archive political ad data.

7. Publisher’s may bar political ad’s by foreigners.

While the above directives are merely advisory in nature, under no circumstances must the minimum compliance requirements of the state-specific laws be compromised with by the publishers within the respective states.  

NOTE: This is applicable only for pubslishers who are based in the US.